Enjoying my last day at my internship.
My antenna hooked up to satimo.
One of the foam walls for to protect from radiation
Testing the radiation pattern of my antenna.
This is me cleaning a space they plan on using.
This is how the space looked after I cleaned it and before we moved the projects in.
This is how the space looked after we moved all the projects.
This is the Program Cam350
This became the final design that I created on the Cam350.
Me peeling out my antenna design.
The test control for the Vector Network Analyzer.
This is the Antenna that I had to solder.
This is the Vector Network Analyzer
This is the Satimo Test Chamber.
    The new appreciation that I develop while working as and intern was how to use my brain.  The reason why the I chose how to use my brain was, because as an intern they made me do a lot of physical work when they where moving equipment around.  Well I expected the real world work schedule would be that they will have to work most of the year then have time off, but I learn you have to work a couple of years before you can get at least a month off. What also develop was that employees have to work extremely long hours.  This internship influence the direction of my life.  How it influence my life was by giving me the experience on how the real work environment is for the company.

    My contribution at my workplace was to help with each department.  I also created a guide for future interns or employes and what they will have to learn to do a basic antenna design cycle.  Working as an intern was meaningful to my education.  It showed me that I am able to work with new equipment and program.  What I learn about mine own work was that the company has to company compete world wide.  That causes them to work long hours to talk to people and customer across the the country.


    The college path I believe I would need to take is technology.  I would have to know how to use the technology that most companies use to create a mock test for the products.  Another reason I would have to take a technology course is because the equipment that they use requires you to know how to use the program.  Finally taking technology can help you to create innovative ideas especially in the engineering feild.

This is Part of the Satimo Testing Chamber.
This is the Satimo Testing Chamber.
Hooking up my antenna design to the Satimo Testing Chamber.
Solder a connector on to my antenna to test.
One of the Employees testing my antenna for me.
My antenna design on the sheet of metal.
My antenna design that I had to create.
Me prying off my antenna design.
This is me working on the LPKF to cut out my antenna design.
These are products that I had to clean before shipping.
         During my experience working in the past week I have seen my co-workers demonstrated advocacy.  Since the company had to move buildings we were all place into a new working environment.  The building had multiple lights hanging for each cubicle, and Engineers found it difficult to work with because it gave off glare on their computer.  So they requested me and and another engineer employee to help remove some of the lights.
        I also have perform self-advocacy in my work environment.  At times I will finish with some work that I was asked to help.  So I will go around R&D to see if they need help with anything with their work.
This is a picture of me helping packing a way the bubble wrap we use to move some equipment.
Here is some of the employees in the Engineering department.
Here I am helping unpack and cleaning the engineering equipment.
In this picture I am helping the R&D department with soldering some antennas.
In this picture I am cleaning up the attic to store some shelf and projects.